Friday Post March 3 2017 - Javascript
The JavaScript , a high-level programming language, through interpreted , is a dynamically typed , object-oriented (prototype-based ) of the literal language . It has the ECMA (European Computer Manufacturers Association) by ECMAScript standardization of language . It is used by most of the world's websites and is supported by the world's leading browsers ( Chrome , IE , FireFox , Safari , Opera ). JavaScript is a prototype-based, first language function [5] , is a multi-paradigm language that supports object-oriented programming, imperative programming , and functional programming . It provides syntax to manipulate text, arrays, dates, and regular expressions, and does not support I / O , such as networking, storage, and graphics, but these can be supported by its hosting environment.
Although JavaScript and Java this language, whether in the name, or in the grammar have a lot of similarity, but the two programming languages from the beginning of the design is very different, JavaScript language design is mainly by the Self ( A prototype-based programming language) and Scheme (a functional programming language) . In grammatical structure it is similar to C language (such as if conditional statement, while loop, switch statement, do-while loop, etc.
On the client side, JavaScript is implemented in the traditional sense as an interpreted language, but recently, it has been compiled instantly (JIT). With the latest HTML5 and CSS3 language standards implementation that can also be used to develop games, desktop and mobile applications running at the server and network environment, such as Node.js .
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